Tutorial: Setup edX =================== The intent of this tutorial is to show how to: * Create a virtual environment to run an edX server locally * Download edX and run an * Run a sample course in edX Reference: `https://github.com/edx/configuration/wiki/edX-Production-Stack `_ Create a virtual environment and run an edX server in it ******************************************************** Download and install Vagrant and VirtualBox from: http://www.vagrantup.com/downloads https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads If you previously installed Vagrant and VirtualBox and you have no reason to preserve existing Vagrant/VirtualBox instances: Run VirtualBox and remove all vagrant instances. Remove unused VMs from VirtualBox VMs. Reboot your machine to insure that you are off to a clean start. To ``INSTALL`` the edX production stack in a Terminal Window (the edX production installation takes a several minutes):: $ mkdir fullstack $ cd fullstack $ curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/edx/configuration/master/vagrant/release/fullstack/Vagrantfile > Vagrantfile $ vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater The ``ACTIVATE`` instructions will complete the installation and start edX VM. At this point you can leave the Terminal Window and the edX VM will continue to be active. To ``ACTIVATE`` the edX server on an existing VM:: $ vagrant status (expect "not created" or "poweroff mode") $ vagrant halt (if the status is not "poweroff mode") $ vagrant up (first time after install - password is for writing files to your machine) ``password:`` is for the administrator of your machine $ vagrant ssh $ sudo rm /edx/var/mongo/mongodb/mongod.lock $ sudo /etc/init.d/mongodb restart To ``DEACTIVATE`` a running edX server:: $ vagrant halt Run a sample course in edX ************************** Once the VM is activated, you can access the LMS and Studio at these URLS: LMS: sign in as: ``staff@example.com`` password: ``edx`` notice the edX Demo Course Studio: sign in as: ``staff@example.com`` password: ``edx``